Saturday 15 November 2014

Gratitude Day 14

Day 14: 10 things to be grateful for about your job

Aren't you glad that you have a job? That you do something you love and earn money at the same time?

If you do not love your job it is either time to make a move or it is time to seriously think about the positive things that are in your job, even if it is just the fact that you get tea at 10h or have a lunch break. :)

Example of a day 14 list:
  • Thank you that I have a part time job and that I have time to 1st drop off my kids before I go to school.
  • Thank you that I have a nice and friendly boss who always says things to me in a nice way
  • Thank you for all my caring colleagues
  • Thank you that I can chat to friends and have tea with them every day during breaks
  • Thank you that I don't teach a class last period every day and that I can go home earlier
  • Thank you that I can make my own decisions, do my own planning, etc.
  • Etc.

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